Not just about style, it's about stirring things up!

Subscribe, request and scale your business

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Just spiced up design, kept the basics intact!

Old-school design's out, your dream designs’ in!

Animated Email Icon Signifying Easy Submission of Design Requests to Evogue

Pick a plan,

and fire your requests away!

Graphic Indicating Fast Design Delivery by Evogue

Your designs will be with you in a jiffy, from Monday to Friday!

Animated Circular Graphic Indicating Continuous Support Until Customer Satisfaction

We won't stop tweaking until you're grinning (ear to ear)!

Behind every awesome design, there's an even cooler tale to tell!

Lorinda Mamo

It's lit 🔥, you'll never bounce back!

Forget about costly agencies. Evogue delivers fast designs for a single monthly fee that'll make your jaw drop!

Design births culture. That culture carves our values. And those values? They shape our future

Robert L. Peters

Invite your whole team

Rope in your entire team - anyone can pop in requests and watch their evolution!

Powered by Trello

Keep track of your designs on Trello. It's a breeze to see what's up, what's next, and what's done!


Not a fan of meetings? Same here, we've ditched them for good!

Perks of Joining

With perks this cool, you won't look elsewhere for design. For real!

Animated Infinity Symbol Indicating Unlimited Design Requests at Evogue

Design Dashboard

Feel free to load up your dashboard with all the design requests you want!

Animated Tick Mark Signifying Fast and Quality Assured Designs from Evogue

Super speedy delivery

Receive your designs one after the other, usually in a matter of days

Animated Dollar Sign Indicating No Hidden Charges at Evogue

Fixed Subscription

No curveballs! It's the same price every month.

Animated Star Graphic Assuring Quality of Evogue Design Services

5-star Quality

Crazy good designs ready for you whenever you want them.

Animated Graphic Showing the Versatility of Evogue Design Services

Versatile and Scalable

Adjust your usage as you see fit, and feel free to hit pause or call it quits whenever you want.

Animated Thumbprint Graphic Indicating Unique Designs for Each Customer

Distinctly Yours

Every design we make is tailored just for you and totally belongs to you.

Recent works


Apps, websites, logos & more.

Website Design

Logo Design

Brochure Design

Social Media Design

App Design

Brand Style Guides

Poster Design

Email Design

Landing Page Design

Business Cards

Menu Design

Web Banners

Icon Design

Infographics Design

Invitation Design

Signage Design

Memberships levels

Select a plan that suits your needs.

Standard Tier

Best deal
SGD 2189
  • One Request at a time
  • Average 96 hours delivery
  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited brands
  • Unlimited stock photos
  • Easy credit card payment
  • Pause / cancel anytime

Elite Tier

SGD 3879
  • 𝗧𝘄𝗼 𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗮𝘁 𝗮 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲
  • Average 96 hours delivery
  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited brands
  • Unlimited stock photos
  • Easy credit card payment
  • Pause / cancel anytime
Icon for Scheduling a Call with Evogue Design Services

Book a call

Discover more about Evogue's process and how it can be a game-changer for you.


What are the advantages of using your design services instead of hiring a full-time designer?

There are several reasons why our service is a great alternative to hiring a full-time designer. Firstly, employing a full-time senior level designer can cost over $100,000 annually. Additionally, finding a qualified designer who is available can be a challenge. Moreover, you may not always have a consistent workload to meaningfully engage a full-time designer, resulting in paying for idle time.

Is there a maximum number of requests I can submit?

Once you have subscribed to our service, you have the freedom to include an unlimited number of requests in your queue. Our team will diligently work on each request, delivering them to you one by one in a timely manner.

What is the typical turnaround time for receiving my designs?

Our team strives to provide efficient service, and on average, most design requests are completed within two to four days or less. However, it is important to note that the timeline may vary for more complex requests that require additional time and attention to ensure the highest quality outcomes.

Who are the designers?

At Evogue, we take pride in being a personalised agency. When you work with us, you will have direct access to our project manager, who will personally handle your projects. However, specialised requests like animations or custom illustrations, we collaborate with our trusted network of partners to provide you with the best possible results.

How does the pause feature works?

At Evogue, we understand that your number of designs may vary from month to month. If you find yourself with a limited number of design requests, our pause feature is here to help.


Our billing cycles are based on a 30-days period. So, let’s say you subscribe and use our service for 21 days before deciding to pause your subscription. In this case, your billing cycle will be temporarily paused, and you will have 9 days of service remaining that you can use at any time in the future. This way, you have the flexibility to make the most out of your subscription based on your specific design requirements.

Which design programs do you use for creating the designs?

At Evogue, we leverage a wide range of industry-leading software tools to bring your designs to life. Our design team is proficient in various programs, including Adobe CS, Figma, and many others. By utilising these cutting-edge tools, we ensure that we can meet your design needs with precision and efficiency, delivering high quality results that align with your vision.

How can I submit design requests?

Evogue provides a seamless and flexible design request process through our integration with Trello. We offer various methods for clients to submit their requests, including direct submission via our platform, sharing Google docs or wireframes, or even recording brief videos for a more interactive experience. With Trello as our collaborative platform, you have the freedom to share any relevant files or information that can be linked or attached, ensuring a smooth and efficient design workflow.

What options are available if I am not satisfied with the design provided?

You can have complete confidence that we will go above and beyond to ensure your satisfaction. We are committed to delivering a design that not only meets but exceed your expectations. Your valuable feedback and preferences will be incorporated into the design process, guaranteeing a final result that surpasses all your expectations.

What if I only have one request?

We understand that design needs can vary over time. If you have completed your current design projects and do not require immediate assistance, you can easily pause your subscription. This way, you can save any remaining subscription time for future design needs to ensure that you get the most value out of your subscription. Rest assured that we are here to support whenever you are ready to assume and continue working on your design projects.

Do you offer refunds if I am not satisfied with the service?

Refunds are not available due to the high quality of our work. We are dedicated to providing exceptional design solutions and addressing any concerns promptly.

Find out if Evogue is your thing

Grab a walkthrough of Evogue and see how it can revolutionize

your team's design game. For good.

Grab a walkthrough of Evogue and see how it can revolutionize your team's design game. For good.

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